Guardian UK’s Remarkable Wikileaks Interactive War Log Murder Map (Google Map) It is simply not possible to comprehend that the one-page War Logs detail that the Guardian UK pulled from...
Top 25 Newspapers on Twitter As conversations continue about old media survival, newspapers doubling down on print (while others back away as carefully as...
Portrait of a Troll: Michigan Assistant Attorney General Andrew Shirvell I think a book profiling the everyday, offline lives of digital serial stalkers and trolls would be fascinating. Chilling...
John Sweeney Revisits the Church of Scientology The BBC’s John Sweeney investigated the Chrurch of Scientology back in 2007 and had a now-infamous meltdown during the...
Courtney Love Calls Out Sucka VC’s and Major Label Cartels This is from 2000, but oh my is it more relevant than ever. I never, ever, ever thought I’d...
New Words AGAIN!?!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?!?!? Yes, it’s about that time of year. The WTF? New Words!!! time of year. Making the rounds of blogs...
America’s Next Teen-Mental-Health Panic? Self-Embedding! CNN has a fairly level-headed post by Elizabeth Landau on something called self-embedding behavior, in which “teens” shove things...
This Is Your Brain on Technophobia. Any Questions? Having listened to Terry Gross and Fresh Air since Lucy was in short pants — or, at least, sometimes...
The Long Psilocybin Goodbye I’ve got PTSD and depression both after reading today’s article on ecstasy, psilocybin (psychedelic mushrooms) and ketamine for...
Hysterical Technophobic Screaming May Cause Hearing Loss An article in the San Francisco Chronicle references a study from Boston’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital that points to...