Atypyk Gun Ruler I’d love to have one of these Gun Rulers— the trigger looks like it would make the ruler quite...
LOLZWETKITTYZ Images via goodwin71. Yes — the oh-so-predictable title for this post was already in the subject line of the...
iPhone Countdown Clock My pal Eli at Wilful Damage (NSFW) may just win the iPhone dork award — she went and made...
The P2P Omnivore’s Dielmma? Wow! This is definitely the best argument put forth by the entertainment industry against P2P file sharing — best...
Bush Admin Gets Eavesdropping Subpoena I’ve been following this story here for a while, now SF Gate has the subpoena as headline news which...
Porn Spammers Going Down I just *had* to make that bad joke. I am not sorry. So, a tiny, tiny fraction of a...
Commercial Wikis and Failure I have a lot of personal, shamelessly snarky theories about why commercial wikis are typically doomed to fail; on...
Germany: No To Tom Cruise Films I really have a crush on Germany. Great beer, friendly people, yummy food, fun nightlife, lots of great artists...
Real Life “Phantom” Gadget Heists This is one of my favorite crime stories of the year: the burglary ring pulling off huge, mind-boggling jobs...
Dismal World’s Unforgettable Photos Not a cheerful, too-many-kittens and fluffy thingies blog by any means, Dismal World has a post up called Unforgettable...