Image: OQO’s *current* Model 2 (engadget.com)…
It’s like, when you’re cruising someone, and you get to know them a little and you’re like, wow, everything is perfect except… their OS. They look hot, outperform the others, you could take them anywhere and fulfill so many needs you’ve had for such an achingly long time — with a few pluses. But, their world view just seems so crude. Oh, and they’re like a *really* expensive date. Now that I’ve exhausted that metaphor, I’ll express my lust for the upcoming OQO Model 2+ and distaste that this brilliant company staffed by smart, cute, funny and nice people still runs their rad machines on Windows XP. (I went by their booth at an Engadget event and they flashed my own image at me from one of their sexy little OQOs as an ‘o hai’ and it worked quite well as a lure.)
Anyway, the OQO Model 2+ — totally hot. Super expensive (
Update: As you can see by the correction to the pricing (I took my estimate for their current top-end model), an OQO peep sent me a very long, sweet and entertaining email about linux and the OQO — and I should point interested buyers to his nifty page Ubuntu Linux 7.04 on the OQO. Cool! Without divulging too much, he said “After working on it for more than a year, I share your enthusiasm for the 2+ — there’s a whole hell of a lot of hot shit put into there, and it’s cool that the product seems to be working out. But, regarding linux, I think you’ve got it all wrong. (…) This isn’t some bizarro land device that requires our help to get linux working on — it’s the same as any other new laptop.” Let me underline and bold how cool the OQO team seems to be. And I hope I get one of these sometime this year; what a fun toy this would be to have handy for SXSWi mobile blogging…