Fake Fallout Map is Fake — But Real Map Is Real Back on the 14th, Snopes debunked a fraudulent map circulating on the net, purporting to be from the Australian...
Fukushima Plume to Reach Continental U.S. Friday The New York Times just published a story in which it obtained the projected course of the radiation plume...
Fukushima Spent Fuel Pool Could Go Critical The BBC is reporting that the attention at Fukushima has indeed switched to reactor #4. Reactor #4 was shut...
MIT Damage Control and Josef Oehmen’s “Why I Am Not Worried” About Fukushima There’s an essay making the rounds by Dr. Josef Oehmen of MIT. It’s called “Why I’m Not Worried About...
Status of All 10 Fukushima Reactors Nikkei.com is reporting that damage to the fuel rods at the #1 reactor at Fukushima I is 70%, not...
Fukushima I: Water Level Falling at #5, Second Fire at #4, #1 has 43% of Fuel Rods Damaged; Japanese Gov’t Raises Permissible Radiation Level; At a news conference Wednesday Japanese Time, Tokyo Electric Power Company (Tepco), the company that runs the Fukishima I...
What Three Mile Island “Proved” About Meltdowns In an opinion piece from March 14, William Tucker writes some good stuff and some bad stuff about Fukushima...
Gorgeous Display of Boxing Books at ABE American Booksellers Exchange is a sales engine for independent booksellers, a competitor to Amazon.com until Amazon acquired it in...
#5 and #6 Fukushima I Reactors Now Overheating; Fire at #4 Put Out The latest BBC News story on the Fukushima I site buries the following in the tenth paragraph: Chief Cabinet...
Containment Vessel Breached; Workers Flee Fukushima I The New York Times reports that workers have been withdrawn from the Fukushima I site, indicating that not one,...