This Week In Natural Disasters (on Flickr) Griffith Park, LA, CA fire via Lienna Jael. Missouri Valley 2007 flood image by Fiddelke. Greensburg, Kansas tornado image...
Wait, Breast Milk Isn’t Vegan? Ooops. Snip from the BBC: A vegan couple have been sentenced to life in prison by a US court...
Just Arrived: Canon PowerShot TX1 I’m in debt like a mofo, but it shipped a month early! I got home from speaking at the...
Qwerty Phones On My Mind: Curve and Ocean Gizmodo has a nice review roundup post about the Blackberry Curve, the way-nicer version of my craptacular 8700 —...
The Octopia Blog Is just a beautiful piece of RSS cephalopod eye candy — The Octopia Blog is an ongoing collection of...
Deliciously Meta Recursive Book Review About Email I think I’m developing a fetish for anything meta recursive, because when I read Dave Barry’s New York Times...
Galacticasts’s Found Galacticast has a great sendup of Lost, Gilligan’s Island, the Digg user uprising, AACS, and the DaRMa Initiative —...
Verizon Claims Participation in Warrantless Surveillance is Protected Speech Verizon is one of the phone companies that secretly provided phone records to the NSA as part of the...
Spiders In 4th Grader’s Ear, Ew! OMG, it’s not an urban legend! Ewww! Snip from the AP: These guys weren’t exactly Snap, Crackle and Pop....
Astounding, Riveting Methane Rocket Test Video This image looks like an artists’ rendering, but it’s not. Off the SRL wires, a truly *inspiring* video of...