aquarium close-up on 12seconds.tv
I was very lucky to be invited at very short notice yesterday to get a self-guided preview of the unfinished, unopened California Academy of Sciences. It’s finally restored to its former home in Golden Gate Park, and it is simply mind-blowing and may be the “greenest” aquarium, planetarium and museum on earth. I took several photos and videos; you can give yourself a tour of all media by visiting the CAS virtually through all the media in my CAS Flickr set (videos are paired with images, etc.) Or, take a taste of my favorites in this post. Some videos are hosted at Flickr, which has a limit of 1.5 minutes but very high quality; the short videos are hosted on my 12seconds channel. All photos and images were captured entirely with two phones: my Helio Ocean and my Nokia N95. No standard cameras were used. Qik would not livestream, sadly, and the end result is that I wish both phones were one and the same.
Check www.calacademy.org/index.php for the opening date and more information.

entering the Cal Academy of Sciences on 12seconds.tv

watching the pendulum swing on 12seconds.tv

contents of tiger shark stomach on 12seconds.tv