By February 2, London was covered in snow (the heaviest snowfall in 18 years), by the 3rd headlines still read that the city was immobilized and people were learning to cope despite the travel chaos, and today people are stranded and services are at a breaking point. More snow is expected. The photographs, of course, are stunning (gallery, 45 images). The reporting is extensive.

This natural disaster of sorts comes not long after an impressive article and yet more astounding photos about the three-person British Arctic team, The Catlin Arctic Survey who are preparing for a very perilous journey to take hands-on measurements on how fast the Arctic is melting.

From the Guardian UK exclusive, the team’s leader Pen Hadlow had some curious comments;
Hadow puts it more chivalrously: “I see the Arctic as a maiden newly discovered on the social scene, and we’re melting away her petticoats, and there are some avaricious types peering underneath, and someone needs to defend her honour.”

Indeed. The gallery of their prep for the trek only makes me think they’re doing just fine in London’s current circumstances, however much icy wind may be blowing under the great city’s bloomers. Seriously; the gallery is awesome, but what a very weird thing to say.