I love this. Reader Daniel D sends me this video to brighten up the darkness of a life that might be lived without Java… Apparently, that would be what life in Sweden is like. You may have already seen Java Forever (it’s another JavaZone viral promo video), but if you haven’t and even if you’re not a programming geek, watch and enjoy just how funny and clever this high-production value fake trailer came out. Like a faux Steven Spielberg film, if the ‘berg ever used programming languages as allegory for sexual orientation, and made subtle porn and masturbation jokes — the trailer is all about winning hearts and minds.
I think D sent this to me for Tiny Nibbles (thank you!), but I feel as though you’re all mature enough to see it. Okay, maybe not mature, mature. You know what I mean.
Sweden is weird. There is a helpful translation of the terms in the video here (not the Swedish ones, the programming ones).
It’s Norway, not Sweden.