The New Global Plague: Children’s Constipation Let me say at the outset: if you’re a casual reader of this fine upstanding family blog or you...
Meet the Sheriff Who Tweets About Sarah Palin’s Underwear Actually, Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County didn’t just tweet Sarah Palin’s underwear. He gave them to her first....
Techyum Halloween: Really Gross Halloween Candy Burying human hearts in the local cemetery is a little hardcore (and surely time-consuming) for Halloween revelers who want...
Colma Police Find Human Hearts With Pictures Pinned To Them For those of you not familiar with it, Colma is a necropolis. Incorporated as Lawndale in 1924, it’s the...
Guardian UK’s Remarkable Wikileaks Interactive War Log Murder Map (Google Map) It is simply not possible to comprehend that the one-page War Logs detail that the Guardian UK pulled from...
Techyum Halloween: Five Animals Named For Famous Monsters While I normally hesitate to send you to a slideshow because it’s against my religion to reward websites with...
Bedford, England’s Forgotten Airship Legacy When German experimental psychologist Dr. Hugo Eckener set the first of his major airship records with the first intercontinental...
Dot US: The Restoration Of VBLY And… we’re back. The domain formerly known as is now Ben Metcalfe has a great post up...
Norman Spinrad’s ‘Police State’ Lemme tell you about this guy Norman Spinrad. In countercultural science fiction, Norman Spinrad’s a legend. His Nebula-award-winning metafictional...
Top 25 Newspapers on Twitter As conversations continue about old media survival, newspapers doubling down on print (while others back away as carefully as...