William S. Burroughs’ Shit May One Day Spawn a Race of Mutant Worrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrms. I will never get over the deep sense of existential despair I feel in linking to AOLNews, but in...
Russian Art Group Voina Nominated For Huge Endowment A Russian guerrilla art group called Voina (which means “War” in Russian) has been nominated for a state-sponsored prize,...
Bath Salts: The New Drug Menace It’s official. Putting a Google Alert on “Designer Drugs” gets you way more salacious news hits than “lighter than...
Haters, Pseudonyms, Reputation Lies and the 90/10 Rule I think about writing, my writer friends, and what it means to be a writer, quite a lot. I...
The Hawaii Chair You know those things where you’re not sure if they’re really stupid or the most awesomest thing ever? They’re...
Fastest. Craigslist scandal. EVAR!!! Like an HOUR ago, CNN reported that New York Representative Christopher Lee (no, not Sauron or Dracula) resigned amid...
People on the Internet Still Douchebags. That Is All. Actually, that’s not all. Here’s some more: It took an article by Techyum’s own Violet Blue (over at her...
“Forgive me father, for I have sinned?” There’s an app for that! Why — yes, yes, it’s true. There’s now a Confessional app for the iPhone. No, this isn’t like those...
MOAR PLS: Kundalini and the Subatomic Pyrotron Theory There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING, more awesome than a flame war on paranormal topics. Do you see...
State-of-the-Art Toilet Technology I’m not normally an early adopter, but I confess to a little bit of toilet envy when it comes...