“Less Lethal” Weapons After viewing the likely-to-be-censored Al Jazeera documentary “Bahrain: Screaming in the Dark,” it’s particularly creepy to read this August...
The Terrafugia Transition: the Future of the Flying Car About a year ago, the UK’s The Engineeer reported that the newest hope for a Future Filled With Flying...
Japanese Company Neurowear Creates Wearable, Brainwave Controlled Cat Ears If you’re crazy cat ladies like everyone here at Techyum, then like us, you know how expressive cats can...
More Fun With Drugs and Submarines As if the U.S. submarine fleet didn’t have enough to handle what with all their nuclear missiles and nicotine...
The Hawaii Chair You know those things where you’re not sure if they’re really stupid or the most awesomest thing ever? They’re...
Water-Powered Jet Pack No need to despair about the flying car! The blog Techfyre points me toward a water-powered jetpack being flown...
Print-On-Demand Human Organs Late last month, Stephen Harris of the UK magazine The Engineer wrote up the staff’s Top 10 Technologies of...
The Evils of the Nintendo 3DS Guess what? It’s not just your kid’s brain, reasoning power, and moral compass that may be obliterated by video...
Amazon Erotica Authors Complain of Content-Based Removal A kerfuffle has erupted recently among authors of erotica who have published Kindle titles on Amazon.com. It turns out...
The Pitcairn Autogiro There’s a great article by Meg Godlewski at General Aviation News about the Pitcairn PAA-1, an autogiro marketed to...