Time’s Best Inventions 2008: A Poll Image of Flips you can vote on, a device I’ve been really needing for no real reason lately. Time...
USB Scan Toaster Lets You Eat Your Own Face Or someone else’s. Or anything you want to scan — I can only begin to imagine the ways this...
Intel CTO On Programmable Matter Take note of some interesting stuff on ZDNet from Intel’s CTO about the future of kooky science fiction nanobots:...
Wrong Number Generator From OhGizmo via the Museum of Hoaxes coms a link to my dream prank… the Wrong Number Generator. The...
Need: The Phonofone II I love dream-decorating my apartment on the internet. This is a cherry for sound and design: the Phonofone II....
Gerber’s Demolition Explosive Technician’s Multi-Tool This is such a beautiful and strangely devious tool: Dealmonger has the Gerber’s Demolition Explosive Technician’s Multi-Tool for $79...
Gadget: Enables Feds to Move Computers Without Powering Down This post at Engadget caught my eye: it’s about the HotPlug power station, which enables officers of the law...
Palladium USB Key Another gorgeous USB key, with variations in pink, black and blue. This one is my fave tho, because it...
How to Use a Sextant If you’re as big a geek as I am, you’ve often wondered how people found anything or got anywhere...
Photos From the Olympus 770 SW Photo of fishies by Jason DeFillippo. A while back I blogged with embarrassing lust about the Olympus 770 SW,...