Image of Flips you can vote on, a device I’ve been really needing for no real reason lately.
Time is holding a poll for selected Best Inventions of 2008, though it’s difficult for me to write this after having clicked everywhere on the feature trying to find out when the damn poll ends so I can tell you… Still, Time already picked their very own winners and among them are the Retail DNA Testing Kit and the Tesla Roadster — kind of obvious choices, if you ask me. But still, I agree that some of the things they’ve picked are really cool. And I have to give them props for selecting inventions in their poll that are things available to the general public — unlike the Tesla — so actual users can vote for things like, say the Eye-Fi card (which I’m loving) or the Peek (which I would never want in my entire life). On reflection, looking at their items up for vote, I can’t help but wonder if whoever put together their list has been paying attention to Gizmodo or Engadget. Huh.