Today Twitter — the micro-blogging service and social network — reinstated their name search function, which had been out of commission for a while. It was amusing for me to go to Google to find people on Twitter, and lots of us are glad it’s back. Especially when we can have fun with Twitter Venn Diagrams, and play with search term data using Twitter Venn. Data Mining writes,
Jeff Clark over at Neoformix has come up with a really simple but compelling application/visualization. For 2 or 3 keywords, it displays the venn diagram of search results over Twitter for the sets and their intersections. Of course, there is no reason why it needs to be pointing at Twitter – the data could come from anywhere. (…read more, datamining.typepad.com)
Twitter Venn was created by Jeff Clark. If you think his app is fun, check out Neoformix to see his other hardcore Twitter nerdiness including TwitArcs, Twitter Spectrum and Twitter StreamGraphs.