Pimp That Box Maybe you’ve seen it before, but this Cassette Deck for the PC had me remembering that old Love and...
Error Message Haiku Technical Paper (In Haiku) It’s from 1999 (five hundred internet years ago), but it’s still pretty kewt — and I know will only...
iPhone Countdown Clock My pal Eli at Wilful Damage (NSFW) may just win the iPhone dork award — she went and made...
Core Memory: A Visual Survey of Vintage Computers Right now SFGate has a great review of a book I’d love to add to my coffeetable book porn...
A Visit to the Computer History Museum My friend Jennifer Granick recently went to the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California and took a lot...
Algorithm for Perfect Pho Service What is is with geeks and Pho? As spotted on Yumsugar (my humping cousin), Algorithm for Perfect Pho Service...
Galacticasts’s Found Galacticast has a great sendup of Lost, Gilligan’s Island, the Digg user uprising, AACS, and the DaRMa Initiative —...
Nerd Nite Sounds A Lot Like Dorkbot To Me Inkling Magazine has an article up right now about east coast geek drink-and-learn gatherings called Nerd Nite — and...
More Internet Bracket Porn: 2007 Bloggers Tournament It’s a fetish, and it’s spreading — more bracket competitions. This time it’s the 2007 Bloggers Tournament, where you...
World’s Fair Spring Science Showdown When I saw the Spring Science Showdown of 2007 over at World’s Fair blog all trussed up in seductive...