Facebook Threatened With Contempt of Court Facebook failed to send a lawyer to Sacramento Superior Court in answer to a subpoena yesterday — leading Judge...
Murder in Celebration: Axe Bludgeoned in a Time of Artificial Innocence For Autumn, the lampposts lining the streets of downtown Celebration, Florida belch out leaf-shaped confetti onto the sidewalks to...
Just How Much Did Sex Cost, Anyway? So, you remember that whole thing about Sex.com, the URL fraudulently obtained by forged documents and used to generate...
The Serial Killers of Fall Fall is a dark and creepy time of year. It’s when the harvest holidays happen, full of macabre symbolism;...
Bush “Borrowed” Passages From Advisors’ Books “Gripping, never-before-heard detail” about Bush’s decisions! That’s what the former present’s memoir promises, and boy! Does it deliver. As...
Diwali, Magic and Owls An article in New Scientist gets me worried both about the future India’s owls and just what New Scientist...
Refugee Flies Air Canada in Disguise An unidentified Asian man in his early ’20s apparently boarded an Air Canada flight in Hong Kong disguised as...
Guardian UK’s Remarkable Wikileaks Interactive War Log Murder Map (Google Map) It is simply not possible to comprehend that the one-page War Logs detail that the Guardian UK pulled from...
Dot US: The Restoration Of VBLY And… we’re back. The domain formerly known as vb.ly is now vbly.us. Ben Metcalfe has a great post up...
Top 25 Newspapers on Twitter As conversations continue about old media survival, newspapers doubling down on print (while others back away as carefully as...