do not let the big snake out and then turn your back Wups. Snip: A three-metre (10ft) python has killed a student zookeeper who let the snake out of its enclosure...
bridge to the uncanny valley: emily is not real It’s insanely stupid that I *can’t* embed the video player that shows one of the biggest video animation breakthroughs...
Intel CTO On Programmable Matter Take note of some interesting stuff on ZDNet from Intel’s CTO about the future of kooky science fiction nanobots:...
please do it at the beach This gallery of Tokyo Metro’s public transit “good manners” signs is excellent, though I wish it were larger. (via...
yay olympics: two elderly women sentenced to re-education I have a feeling there’s a lot more like this going on than we know about. First, that they...
wire robots and my new toyolink addiction Not only are the dozens of fucking awesome wire robots at Toyolink simply the coolest items of shelf-filling want...
new uber-elastic electronic circuits will make our gynoids more sensitive Over at Pink Tentacle the latest breakthrough in stretchable circuitry is explored, which will be incredible for potential in...
handpresso: the coffee crackpipe Okay, so maybe it just looks like a crack pipe, and I’m a coffee fiend… But Handpresso at Charles...
the end of pagerank, the beginning of meaning I’ve always hated internet number gaming, and thought anyone who put stock in things like Alexa are dopes. Anyone...
real elf ears body mod instructable Real elf ears = real elf fears. This Instructable has lots of unusual body modification advice, and shows step-by-step...